University of Lagos student, Chidinma Ojukwu, accused of killing the Chief Executive Officer of Super TV, Usifo Ataga, has denied killing the deceased in a confessional video that was played before Justice Yetunde Adesanya of the Lagos State High Court sitting at Tafawa Balewa Square on Tuesday, October 18. This was her claim when the court resumed watching of the recorded video footage of the confessional statement of the prime suspect. In the video recording played before the court, Chidinma denied knowledge of who killed the deceased. According to her, she went out on the said day and by the time she returned, she saw Ataga on the floor and she quickly picked her things and left because she was scared. “I don’t know who entered I just picked my things and left because I was scared.”she said This is contrary to her confession when the video showing the lifeless body of Ataga was earlier played at the last proceedings on October 11, 2022, where she said that she kill...